FreedomPop launches free WiFi beta, and "transient electronics"

Oct 1, 2012
A new service called FreedomPop hopes to go up against AT&T and Verizon, and a new kind of dissolve-able circuit that could change the field of medicine.

Need a new jaw? Just print one up

Feb 21, 2012
Medical breakthrough in Belgium could provide for new possibilities in cosmetic medical work.

In the future, you'll take medicine without taking medicine

Feb 17, 2012
Scientists working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have successfully tested a system to deliver medicine into a patient's body thought an implanted chip.

Would you let your doctor own what you say online?

Dec 1, 2011
Patients are beginning to challenge the legality of the "privacy agreements" that some medical offices are enforcing as a way for doctors to control what's said about him or her online.